Fiqhi - Direct Ads TOP geos for Jan 2023 🔔

Hi Fiqhi,

If you need QUICK and EASY conversions - Direct Ads are what you look for. Direct Ads GRAB the user RIGHT on the actual redirection process, which make the users ENGAGED and READY to convert.

Sweepstakes, carrier billing, VAS, gambling, downloads, betting and apps are a GREAT choice for Direct Ads!

Set your campaign as Run Of Network, Quality Score TOP 70% - and you are on the right track!

Top 10 Direct Ads Countries on DESKTOP
Country Daily Ads Min Bid
UNITED STATES 36620209 $0.142
CHINA 7677419 $0.008
UNITED KINGDOM 7170346 $0.041
JAPAN 4213698 $0.035
CANADA 4208134 $0.044
GERMANY 2195353 $0.012
BRAZIL 1902996 $0.016
FRANCE 1594681 $0.010
INDONESIA 1574275 $0.001
INDIA 1329134 $0.001

Top 10 Direct Ads Countries on MOBILE
Country Daily Ads Min Bid
UNITED STATES 17608166 $0.022
INDONESIA 9065376 $0.006
INDIA 7349361 $0.001
CHINA 6103125 $0.023
VIET NAM 4977893 $0.004
BRAZIL 4692315 $0.003
UNITED KINGDOM 3651748 $0.005
SPAIN 3643252 $0.002
FRANCE 3342027 $0.003
JAPAN 3051899 $0.001

To view the complete list please use the Traffic Estimator in your account.
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