Fiqhi - Top ADULT geos for December 2021 🍑

Hi Fiqhi,

This month, we'll focus the data on our adult traffic only. Below your can find the daily traffic breakout for December, by ad format and platform - for adult traffic only. You can find the full breaking using the Traffic Estimator in your account.

Country Format Platform Daily Ads Min Bid
Direct Desktop 1644851 $0.0638
Direct Desktop 709629 $0.0013
Direct Desktop 260362 $0.0092
Direct Desktop 232630 $0.0318
Direct Desktop 207363 $0.0016
Country Format Platform Daily Ads Min Bid
Direct Mobile 1348549 $0.0756
Direct Mobile 832561 $0.0063
Direct Mobile 728330 $0.0012
Direct Mobile 275176 $0.0020
Direct Mobile 272131 $0.0560
Country Format Platform Daily Ads Min Bid
Pop Desktop 4909026 $0.0053
Pop Desktop 4095511 $0.0008
Pop Desktop 2490351 $0.0007
Pop Desktop 1245472 $0.0040
Pop Desktop 1210948 $0.0006
Country Format Platform Daily Ads Min Bid
Pop Mobile 34026524 $0.0009
Pop Mobile 16447095 $0.0054
Pop Mobile 9449466 $0.0030
Pop Mobile 5234074 $0.0007
Pop Mobile 4945216 $0.0048

Use the Traffic Estimator in your account to see the numbers for In-Page and Native ads.
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