Like our Contextual Pops (Injection) traffic? Now you can buy it as RON 🚀

Hi Fiqhi,

Up until today you were able to buy our Contextual Pops (Injection) traffic only by targeting specific keywords and domains, but from today you can buy it as Run Of Network (RON) as well !

Shortly after we had launched our Contextual Pops (Injection) traffic - we started receiving many requests from our advertisers, requesting to buy it as a bulk in high quantities. The main reason for those requests is that this traffic's quality is high and it can generate high conversions across all channels.

The option to buy this traffic as RON is now open for everyone and NOW is the best time to test it - before competition and bid prices start to increase.

You can set RON for Contextual Pop (Injection) both for current campaigns buy clicking the Settings -> Targeting - and for new ones, as part of the creation process.

As always, if you have any question, please feel free to contact our account managers.
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