Monthly Statement

A/C No: 27210 Name: fiqhi 2019 June 30, 23:59
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionR/O SwapTrade P/L
177411665 2019.06.01 07:21:48balanceIB commission #234290.90
177681682 2019.06.04 05:36:57balanceIB commission #2345164.50
177880199 2019.06.05 05:05:02balanceIB commission #234670.60
178118612 2019.06.06 05:38:36balanceIB commission #234742.30
178422409 2019.06.07 05:01:48balanceIB commission #234864.20
178597565 2019.06.08 04:23:46balanceIB commission #234935.60
178793397 2019.06.11 04:12:33balanceIB commission #2352118.20
178931747 2019.06.12 04:45:27balanceIB commission #2353135.90
179105418 2019.06.13 05:31:47balanceIB commission #2354137.70
179240693 2019.06.14 04:53:46balanceIB commission #235587.00
179430649 2019.06.15 05:03:43balanceIB commission #2356126.70
179650805 2019.06.18 04:52:53balanceIB commission #2359153.60
179918798 2019.06.19 08:58:16balanceIB commission #2360112.80
180126827 2019.06.20 05:44:11balanceIB commission #236145.12
180338897 2019.06.21 05:27:22balanceIB commission #2362121.94
180614437 2019.06.22 05:31:37balanceIB commission #236354.69
180781690 2019.06.25 04:28:52balanceIB commission #23665.68
180985225 2019.06.26 06:09:56balanceIB commission #236731.72
181156642 2019.06.27 05:43:36balanceIB commission #236851.50
181302496 2019.06.28 04:44:23balanceIB commission #236930.80
181416546 2019.06.29 04:03:08balanceIB commission #237039.80
Deposit/Withdrawal: 1 721.25 Credit Facility: 0.00 Closed Trade P/L: 0.00
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionR/O SwapTrade P/L
No transactions
 Floating P/L: 0.00
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
A/C Summary:
  Floating P/L: 0.00
Closed Trade P/L: 0.00  Total Credit Facility: 0.00
Deposit/Withdrawal: 1 721.25  Equity: 14 197.46
Balance: 14 197.46  Margin Requirement: 0.00
Available Margin: 14 197.46
Best Regards
Accounts Department
Please report to us within 24 hours if this statement is incorrect. Otherwise this statements will be considered to be confirmed by you.

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