Fiqhi - Don't Miss your ROI Boost with "Direct Ads" ▶

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Dear Fiqhi

If you are among those who are not familiar with our Direct Ads - you are missing a HUGE opportunity for a massive ROI boost.

What are Direct Ads?
Direct Ads bring you direct click-traffic from search engines, links and typos - from engaged users that were actually looking for or clicking on something that they were interested in, however, the original content was not there. Our unique system is able to trap this non-existing content and pass this valuable traffic to you.
This scenario makes this traffic very valuable because users will think that your content is the one they were expecting - a fact that greatly increases conversion rates.

Sample Scenario
Lets take as an example a guy from the UK called Larry, who's looking for a 2nd job, preferably from home. Larry browses some sites and articles and clicks a link that offers him a nice work-from-home job which looks promising. Now for some reason the actual site/firm/link that offers this job does not work. So what happens next? Stay tuned - here comes the magic: Our system traps this bad link/firm/site, takes the traffic and redirects it directly to a matching advertiser! Got the point? Larry clicked something that he liked - and he won't even know that he got somewhere else! The whole process takes only a fraction of a second, everything is automated, and our advertisers enjoy tremendous conversion rates!

Per the scenario above, it is self-explanatory that only a landing page URL is needed. Yes, as simple as that, no need to worry about titles or images.

- IAB Categories - we tag the traffic using our contextual engine
- Keywords
- Geo
- OS / User Agent
- Carrier/ISP
- Desktop / Mobile
- Subid (traffic source ID)

Tracking - Landing page URL Macros:

{BV_SRCID} - Traffic source
{BV_KEYWORD} - Search Term / Contextual data (if applicable)
{BV_CLICKID} - Unique Click ID to use with server to server postback
{BV_ADNAME} - Ad Identifier of your ad
{BV_CATEGORY} - category ID (if applicable)
{BV_GEO} - Country, Alpha 2

Tracking - postbacks
Server to server postbacks are fully supported and allow you to track conversions directly in your advertiser control panel - and optimize accordingly by blocking subids, increasing bids per each subid, adding/removing categories and keywords etc.
Automatic optimization by predefined rules is also provided via the advertiser control panel/

Don't miss this great opportunity for a massive ROI boost login now and create your first Direct Ads campaign.

As always, if you have any question, please open a support ticket or contact your account manager.
Native Ads
Pop Under Ads
IAB Categories

Subid Optimization

Device Targeting
OS & Browser Targeting

Carrier Targeting

Premium Traffic Only
Direct Ads

Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.

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Bpath LTD
2 Yozma St, Sha-ar Ha-ir Bldg, Tirat Carmel
Haifa 102023

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