📢  Fiqhi - IAB Categories Announced

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Dear Fiqhi

After a few months of development and analysis - we are happy to announce that our new IAB Categories targeting is now offered to all advertisers.

Now you can target your Native and Redirect ads by accurate IAB Categories.

How does it work?
1. For active ads - simply click the "Targeting" button
2. For new ads - IAB Targeting is now part of the ad creation process

You can choose Tier1, Tier2 or any combination of the same.

Why should you care about these categories?
1. Targeting - now you can choose the related categories only instead of wasting your budget on unrelated traffic
2. Quality control - each of our traffic sources is classified by AI taxonomy tool for accurate classification. Now you can be sure that you are getting only the traffic that you chose to get

Native Ads
Pop Under Ads
IAB Categories

Subid Optimization

Device Targeting
OS & Browser Targeting

Carrier Targeting

Premium Traffic Only
Redirect Ads

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